Supporting a social mobilization effort to strengthen village development groups in Myanmar. Strategic Planning event for the Iraqi Legal Clinic Network Association Participatory Project Management Training Module in Zimbabwe Creating a participatory project planning meeting agenda with Afghan mobilizers. Program evaluation and strategic review, Haiti Newly trained facilitators work with 40 local NGO's to create a vision for the Iraq Access to Justice Project Scenario Planning in Iraq Partnering assessment for UNESCO Biosphere Reserves conservation program, Cat Bah Island, Vietnam Private sector and humanitarian agencies working  in partnership to promote mobile money innovations in London Women's group facilitators in Jalallabad, Afghanistan Participatory strategic planning results in a five year vision and  two year 'strategic directions' for this Phoenix company.

Six week training of ToP™ Facilitation Methods Trainers, Khujand, Tajikistan Facilitating strategic planning in Indonesia. Coaching mobilizers at a participatory project planning meeting in Afghanistan Innovation marketplace for program design in Palestine World Bank LAC Retreat Training of Trainers of Community Mobilizers A course in participatory event design for an internal co-hort of facilitators promoting more effective meeting culture agency wide. Program evaluation with humanitarian agency in Sri Lanka Community consultations with IDPs in Wasit, Iraq Designing Innovation Events

Landscape of Facilitation.

February 27th 2012 06:56 am

Tried out a new opening to a recent training I delivered and like the way it turned out.  In the vast libraries of writing on facilitation skills available online and in good ol’ fashioned books, people come at the question from a whole host of different angles from the simple to the grand, the ‘state the obvious’ to the waxing philosophical.  I saw a colleague post something he called the Landscape of Facilitation during a past training and have always liked it as a way to try to make sense of the different entry points to the conversation.  Here’s the variation I used and many thanks to Sherwood for the inspiration.


And, with that I’ve practiced my first photo post.  Hope this works!

Facilitation, Training No Responses yet

2 Responses to “Landscape of Facilitation.”

  1. Glory says:

    Love this! Well done on the photo post 🙂

  2. Carrie Cohill says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I appreciate the large overview of the various topics.
    Would you please write about your success (or that of others) using the Facilitated Discussion Method with very young people. Some have some learning disabilities and may not have the vocabulary that others of their same age possess.
    Carrie Cohill

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